xsabar sgt nk tunggu ari sabtu nih sbb nk tgk cite iron man2 n ip man2....awl2 dh beli tiket utk due2 cite nih.

minggu nih-sabtu-tgk cite ironman2, ahd plk-tgk cite ip man2.....

myb cite ip man2 x se'fames' cite ironman2 kn.....sblom nih aku dh tgk ip man, mule2 aku dgr ap lh cite ip man nih, ingt kn ip man=internet protocol man...hehe...i2 first impression aku ttg cite ip man nih lah....sekali bile aku dh tgk, rupe2nyer, ip man tuh nme org rpenyer, adoyai....tp mmg aku bg 5star ah kt ip man nih.....tp xtau lh krg kn....taste masing2...bg aku cite ip man, w'pun dh lme, aku still compare kn cite tuh dgn cite len n xsngke plk kua ip man2.....tuh yg aku xcited bnget nk tgk.....

p/s: cite ironman sblom nih xpnh tgk pn....tp tgk iklan die gempak semacam tuh yg xcited nk tgk...hehehe.....

hye all....how do u do....fine????

today is monday....n i'm not working....dah gosok bju ap sume...tp last minute decision....i'm not feeling well....so i make a decision not to go to work...i'm working at pontian n stayin at jb...mkn mse 1jam nk g pontian dr jb...huhu....

but it's ok....i'm grateful to have a job....w'pun kdg2 dlm hati ad lh gk merengek mls nk kje lh...bestnyer klu dpt duk umh lh....bestnyer klu dpt g zmn blajo blk lh....ap2 jek lh aku nih...heheehe

but last weekend sgt gumbira sbb me n masyam, cm bese lah...kiterong hangout together....do the things together....fight together..eceh.....

1 utk mama 1 utk papa

smpi2 kt jusco jek kiteorng trus g mkn....mcm bese lh, port kiteorng every weekends,,hehe...NANDOS.....me n masyam slalu amek 1/4chicken nyer set....dlm set nih cm krg tgk kt pic ats tuh, dpt lh 1/4(quater ok)chicken, 2 sidelines(sukehati krg nk pilih ap)....flavour utk aym nih ad lime,mild(xpedas sgt lh),hot, n extra peri2....yg cm dlm gmbo tuh kiteorng pilih hot peri2....sodap....

n air xtermsk dlm set nih k....set nih dlm 14++ jek n air dlm 5++ jek...keistimewaan kt sinih, air ice lemon tea n air coke ke adelah bottomless(krg bole topup air lg klu dh abes 4 free..), spe xsuke kn....tp mkn kt nandos nih mmg puas hati....kenyang......:)

kiteorng klu mkn nandos mest cmpurkn garlic n tomato peri-peri untuk dicicah bersame ayam or fries yg gemok2 tuh....bru mengancam...peri-peri nih kire cm sauce lah...inilh kelainan nandos ngn tmpt mkn len...diorng de sauce tersendirik...

yang nih plk nme die peri soup, hargenyer baru rm3.50++, sdp....len drpd yg len...slurrpppppp~~~
dlm peri soup nih ad isi ayam....+ ketulan mushroom...mmg sdp...

lps dh knyg, kiteorng pn g beli tiket wyg....minggu nih kiteorng tgk cite The Crazies....bole thn lh cite nih....thriller...byk gk adegan terkezut n suspend...huhu...(smpt lg 'peek a boo' kt masyam, nk tgk reaksi mke die....hahahaha....muke cuak die tuh)hehehe....tp cite nih hnye utk 18thn ke ats jek k....klu yg bwh 18thn tuh nk tgk gk...bwk lh fam skali k...

smbil2 tunggu wyg start, kiteorng g jln2, shopping bju, beli kepek, men game 'photo hunt'....hehehe....isi mse lapang lh kiteorng nih...:)

hi everyone.....:)

firstly i don't know what to say.....actually it's kind of weird because before this masyam(nick for 'him') asked me to build a blog....lalalaalla.....

but i just ignore it.....what's the use of blog actually.....i dont have so much time to build a blog....huhu....besides i think i'm a lazy person and also i dont like to express about mylife in blog, i think i'm quite shy to express myself with someone that i dont know...

but then, i saw one of this blog that this 16-years old girl write all about her life.....her buah hati.....i think, her blog is quite interesting....and suddenly, my heart say,"why dont u also build a blog.....hehehhe....ya, why not!!!! so today.....my 'penglipurlara' was born.......

i just want to express all about my life, family, masyam, my friend in this blog...

hope u will enjoy....!!!

life's rockssss!!!

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