hari nih aku nk kongsi ngn krg sume tmpt mkn yg bru kami terjah....smlm kiteorng g terjah Station One Cafe kt Taman Universiti.....bole dikatekn bru gk lh kafe tuh beroperasi.....

gmbr ats tuh pic station one cafe nih dri hadapan, gmbr bwh nih plk peta station one cafe nih

utk first try nih, aku mkn DEEP FRIED FISH FILLET n AIR TEMBIKAI yg small punyer.....masyam lk mkn SPECIAL SALAD FISH FILLET RICE n WHITE COFFEE..........

yg nih aku punyer, deep fried fish fillet

yg nih lk masyam punyer, special salad fish fillet rice, ikan nyer tersembunyik disebalik salad lh.....

yg nih plk minuman kami

pic nih plk suasana kt dlm kafe tuh

utk set aku, ade fish fillet + mashed potato + coleslaw n corn.....set masyam lk ad fish fillet + nasi + salad....masing2 bru RM12.90 n RM11.90 jek.....

best lh lepak kt sinih, suasana kt dlm cafe nih lepak jek, sesuwei utk kite bersantai smbil mkn mknn yg enak2 kt sinih....

mknn nyer pn bole thn....

habes licin kiteorng mkn......

so spe2 yg nk try mkn, jom lh try.....kt sinih pn ade WIFI tau......syok kn.....:)....plus ad life band pd waktu2 tertentu....:)

last but not least, aku bg 4 BINTANG utk Station one Cafe.......

itu sje.....till we meet again...

p/s: suke ngn ikan nyer yg crispy tuh......

smlm aku n masyam ingt nk surf tenet kt library, unfortunately wifi kt situh problem lk... kiteorng pn decide g surf tenet kt McD.....

smbil2 kiteorng surf tuh, staff kt McD tuh bg kiteorng kupon percuma.....

kupon free sausage mcmuffin wif egg n air or air wif hashbrown.....

tanx 2 McD sbb bg kupon free tuh n dpt surf tenet free lg....hehe....nnt mse otw g opis, klu sempt, aku singgh.....i like sausage mcmuffin with egg.....nyum2....sdp....:)

lme gk kiteorng lepak kt McD tuh.....dlm pkl 5 lbh kiteorng pn beransur n otw ke Danga Bay...
otw ke Danga Bay tuh, terserempak lk ngn bikers nih....srg2 jek lyn pale nek basikal kt tgh bndar nih....

aku plk ngn bangganyer snap gmbo die....opss sori yek abg bikerz.....

gmbo abg bikerz dri belakang.....

abg bikerz ternmpk aku tgh snap gmbo die.....:)

kpd abg bikerz, jgn lh mrh eh aku snap gmbo......chaiyok2 abg bikerz...MALAYSIA BOLEH.....

i2 jek lh cite yg dpt aku post kn k.....ari ahd tuh kiteorng dh xtau dh nk lpak mne, so after g Danga Bay, trus blk umh....siapkn ap yg ptt utk g kje....

Danga Bay di waktu ptg.....

ok lh krg.....have a nice day!!!!

p/s: rindu ngn masyam.....

hi all.......arinih aku nk cite psl muvi lg....kali nih SHREK THE FINAL CHAPTER....

kali ni, aku tgk ngn masyam n 2 org nephews aku(sbb blnje srg nephews aku yg dpt 8A's, skng bru nk blnje.....)

cite shrek nih msih lg menmpilkn character yg sme, cme utk shrek yg kali nih, watak jht adlh rumpelstiltskin....

cite nih klu nk diringkaskan ttg shrek yg dh berkeluarge dan mempunyai 3 org anak.....

shrek plk bsn dgn rutin harian nyer yg sme jek stiap ari...mse birthday party ank shrek, bole plk die bergado ngn fiona n dlm mseyg sme si rumpelstiltskin nih amek pluang lh...

shrek teringin menjadi gergasi blk dan nk sgt rse mse die dulu pnh jd wanted dan ditakuti oleh semue org n haiwan kt si2....

si rumpelstiltskin nih plk amek lh pluang nih n bg die jaminan sekirenyer si shrek nih t.tgn perjanjian tuh, die bole rse jd gergasi sehari.....

shrek yg mse tuh msih lg rse geram n ego, setuju ngn si rumpelstiltskin nih....klu krg nk tau lbh lnjut, krg kne tgk sendirik k....hehehe....mcm2 adegan lh yg lucu, emosi.....donkey tuh sgt lh klakar + si puss yg comel yg dlm cite tuh die akn jd gemok....

rugi klu krg xtgk....bwk adik ke ank sedare ke.....enjoylh cite nih....
n lg 1....final chapter kn siap ade 3D lg, lps nih myb dh xde dh lg smbgn shrek....

satu lg, lagu2 soundtrack kt dlm cite nih pn best.....tersenyum2 aku tgk cite nih...

n ank sdare aku n masyam pn sgt puas ati dpt tgk cite nih...rse cm nk tgk lg jek.....

teringt si donkey yg klako tuh.....eddie murphy mmg btl2 menghayati watak die tuh....

last but not least...aku bg 4 BINTANG utk cite shrek nih.......

jgn lpe krg utk tgk cite nih....mari kite ilngkn tensen....:)

p/s: lps nih nk tgk cite prince of persia plk......

utk minggu nih, bru arinih aku berkesempatan nk tulis kt blog.....sbnanyer kdg2 cm xde mood nk tulis blog... sblom nk tulis kt blog tuh mcm2 bende nk ltk, tp bile dh ad mse terluang, mcm xde mood plk, xtau lh npe...myb minggu nin cm xsht or byk keje kot....huhu...

xpelah minggu nih aku nk tulis ttg tmpt mkn bru n westernyer pn RM5.00 gk.....nme tmpt nih kay classic kopitiam n tmpt nih berdekatan dgn kozi hotel or tune hotel(area2 dangan bay, jb).

klu krg tgk atas nih, nih lh ap ek nme nih, bunting eh ke banner ek utk kay classic nih, ap2 jek lh kn.....

pic yg nih plk merupakan pic dri pintu msk kay classic. tmpt nih bru bkk n kwsn nih mmg kemas n sgt sesuwei klu kite nk lpak2 ngn fam or kwn2....

kt sinih krg bole duk jenis kerusi cm kerusi kt pic sblh nih.....jenis kerusi bar gi2.....nmpk santai kn....

ok lah, kite smbg plk ttg mknn yg ad kt sinih.....klu krg tgk kt pic bwh nih menu western nyer sume RM5.00...pas2 krg bole pilih mknn yg combo...ade combo A dan mcm2 lg....

so, utk 1st try nih, aku try mintk chicken chop + fries italy cheese + sausage.....n masyam plk try chicken chop + coleslaw + fries + sausage.......stiap satu harge RM5.00....murah kn....hehe....

smbil2 tunggu mknn nk smpi smpt lg aku ber'wifi' n bce majalah jap....serius seh muke....hihi

masyam pn intprem sekali....hehe......

bile dh dpt mknn, ap lg kiteorng pn buang mjlh....mkn ngn lahapnyer....sbb kelaparan.......last but not least, not bad lh tmpt nih, decoration dlm tmpt nih mmg menarik n mknn nyer pn not so bad.....so utk sume skali, aku bg 3 BINTANG....ok....

so spe2 yg ad jln2 kt jb tuh or mmg duk kt jb tuh, bole lh try tmpt nih k.......


p/s: meh lah meriahkn tmpt nih....

Spe2 yg prnh menonton cite GLADIATOR pasti mau tgk cite ROBIN HOOD nih kn.....
basically cite robin hood nih adelah arahan RIDLEY SCOTT yg juge mengarah cite gladiator....

ingt lg dulu mse tgk gladiator kt umh....n aku trus falling in luv ngn cite nih.....nden kua plk cite nih dgn arhn n pelakon utame yg sme ngn cite gladiator....

smlm me n masyam watched dis movie together....pnggung wyg almost full lh jgk....n kiterong dpt nice view sbb dpt duk tgh2....:)

cite nih klu nk diringkaskan ttg russell crowe(robin hood) yg pergi berperang utk King Richard....robin hood merupakan slh seorng pemanah dlm kelompok tersebut...dh lbh 10thn robin hood nih ikt King richard berperang....

nk dipendekkan cite, si Robin hood nih kne hukuman sbb terlalu jujur ngn king richard bile king richard tnye pendapat si robin hood nih....pd mse perang terakhir sblom king richard nih nk blk london, king richard nih plk mngkat sbb kne panah ngn pihak musuh.....

dgr jek si robin hood nih....ap lg, die pn angkt kaki nk blk ke tmpt nyer sbb dh 10thn dh ikt king richard berperang...robin hood ngn kwn2 die berempat cube utk blk ke london....

dlm mse diorng nk blk ke england tuh, diorng terserempk ngn satu serngn hendap dimana ad seorng pengkhianat yg ingin membunuh king richard.....pengkhianat yg dikenali sbg godfrey tuh xtau yg king richard sdh mangkat.....

godfrey nih adelah org england yg bersekongkol ngn kerajaan paris utk menawan ..askar england yg diketuai oleh robert loxley cbe utk membawa crown king richard kpd ibu king richard ke england....tp dieserng hendap plk oleh godfrey... kesemuenyer mati disebabkn oleh godfrey yg jht tuh....

robin hood and de gang yg terserempk ngn serngn hendap tuh pn ap lg...diorng serng lh blk....godfrey nih plk cuak sbb rmi pengikut dh mati sbb kne panah ngn robin hood nn de gang, die pn dgn cptnyer melarikan diri tp smpt dipanah oleh robin hood, tp sipis kene kt pipi si godfrey.....tp ap2 pn si godfrey smpt larikan diri ngn srg kwn die....

robin hood plk ad idea baik punyer....die nk blk ke england n ajk kwn die menyamar jd knights yg tlh diserng hendap tersebut....diorng nin pn bergerak ke pntai utk nek kapal yg spttnyer pergi ke england tersebut....dlm perjlnn tuh diorng plan nk berhenti di tgh jln sbb tkt nnt org prasan yg die tuh bkn robert loxley.....tp bole plk diorng nih tertido n diorng smpi ke england n terpkse lh jumpe ngn mak king richard....huhu

tp robin hood dgn slumbernyer bg crown kt mak king richard n terpkse lh die ngaku die robert loxley.....nden aku pendekkn cite eh....die g umh robert loxley sbb mse nk mati, robin hood smpt mintk tlg robin hood g umh die n pulngkn pedang kt ayh die...dh jnji nk wt cmner, die pn g lh umh robert loxley.....

dn dlm mse yg sme die jumpe lh isteri so robert loxley(Cate Blanchett) n falling in luv....n mcm2 cite psl si godfrey nih yg cbe utk mengkucar kacirkn england dan cite psl king john adik kpd king richard yg bole dikatekan raje kuku besi lh kn.....

so klu krg nk tau lbh lnjut lg.....krg g lh tgk wyg yek......cite nih myb akn de sequelnyer, robin hood2, huhu...but bg aku, cite nih not bad...mcm2 unsur ad, sedih, psl kwn2, fam, muzik...sume unsur lh bole dikatekan ade....n aku bg 4 BINTANG....klu dibndingkn ngn cite IP MAN2.....IP MAN2 still no 1.....xtau lh bg krg kn......

wutever it is.....slmt menonton.....:)

p/s: bole plk pning pale lps tgk robin hood tuh....tp bkn bermksd xbest eh...hehe

hai kwn2 sume....utk minggu nih, i will review about Furry Vengeance....new movie from Brendan Fraser....

cite nih ttg brandon fraser sbg pemaju yg nk bgnkn kwsn hutan menjadi kwsan perumahan n scr x lgsg akan memusnahkan kwsn hutan yg didiami oleh binatang2 kt dlm hutan tuh...

brandon fraser nih bwk lh skali wife die n ank laki die yg srg tuh....diorng cm xsnggup lh sbb kne ddk sne lame...n ank laki die berhrp sgt dpt blk ke chicago(dirong dulu tinggl kt si2)....

binatang2 kt dlm hutan yg terdiri drpd rakun, tupai n etc adelah otai utk membalas dendam ngn brandon nih....brandon nih plk cm lurus bendul ikt jek arahan bos die(lyman)....

tp die xtau yg lyman nih nk musnhkn hutan....so mcm2 lh lawak antare brandon ngn animals kt hutan nih....

movie nih ok....klu krg dh xtau nk tgk cite ap..krg bole lh tgk cite nih k.....last but not least...aku bg 3 BINTANG setengah utk cite nih.....

slmt menonton...:)

p/s:ad scene kt dlm cite nih, pembantu lyman ckp dlm bhs melayu/indonesia.....kelakar...heheehe...

hurm xtau nk mule dgn ap....but yesterday really2 makes me smile...and i hope dat this smile doesn't last.....as i said before in my last post, i n masyam hangout together yesterday n he actually bought me a prezent n a card of kos(tq cyng)....:). actually i thought that he would bought me a bunch of flowers....hehe....tp slh rupenyer....tp ap2 pn i'm still thankful bcoz he wants to spend time wif me.....

c the prezent n the card.....comey lh card tuh ade pic kucing...n de bear we call it mucuk...hehehe...but masyam said dat, this is de last besr gift bcoz it's not suitable wif my age...huhu....i'm getting older....huhu...dat's ok wif me...:)..i dont want my niece to take it away from me....heheehe....juz kidding...

ok, continue for de next chapter.....after dat kitreorng g jusco (port bese kiterong) g mkn....lapo sgt mse tuh sbb aku juz mkn jemput2 n masyam lk mkn roti jek....mule2 ingt nk mkn kt secret recipe tp sbb besday aku nyer psl, kiteorng bercdng nk mkn kt tmpt yg kiteorng xprnh mkn....so smlm kiteorng pn mkn kt the MANHATTAN FISH MARKET...hurm, nice catch gk lh tmpt nih...bole thn...klu spe2 nk cube, aku sarankan sbb sdp mk kt sinih....harge nyer pn ok lh...not to cheap....tp klu mkn stiap ari....pokai gk..hehehe.....

so for de starter, me n masyam amek fish(dory) n chips....n drinks ice lemon tea n orange juice + soup of de day....:)

pergh, lapo plk tgk mknn kt ats nih...klu krg tgk kt pic ats tuh, kt manhattan fish market nih diorng de sediekn sos, mayonis n garlic utk dicicah bersame fish n chip tuh....sedapppppppppppppp.......Soup of de day plk mushroom soup...rse sgt creamy ok..btw, ice lemon tea tu leh refill tau....minum smpi full perut...huhu...last skali mse utk byr bill..bill adelah dlm lbh krg 50++....

last but not least....spe2 yg nk cbe tuh slmt mencube dri kami berdue....:)...dat's it for today..ADIOS...

p/s: w'pun hari itu simple, tp hari itu berjaya hepikan aku,,time kaseh cinta....:)

12 Mei 2010 dh genap umur aku 26thn, ahaks.....alhamdulillah...syukur sbb masih bernafas di bumi Mu ya ALLAH... semoge dipnjgkn umur dimurhkn rezeki, ttp iman dan sht2 slalu ya Allah....:)

hari nih aku cuti sbb nk celebrate my besday n masyam pn cuti skali sbb nk hangout ngn aku....tq cayang....:)

we don't plan ap2 pn for today.....but i feel sooooooooooo excited for today bcoz i dont know myb is my besday today and de mood feel so right.....hehehe...cant wait 2 see the suprise(i hope so that there is a suprise today) hehehe....not forget de credit goes to my fam also....tq abah,umi n akak for celebrating my besday....i luv all of u soooooooooooooooo much....:)

that's all for today....have a nice day!!!!

p/s: starry eyes....:)

krg prnh mkn chicken chop ngn harge RM5.OO jek????klu krg tgk gmbo kt ats tuh, CHICKEN CHOP kt tmpt nih RM5.00 jek.....mlm smlm me n masyam dating kt tmpt nih smbil mkn chicken chop + air buah-buahan....segar skali rsenyer dpt minum air buah nih dgn cuace yg pns aje skng kn...hehehe.....

mknn kt sinih w'pun mknn westernnyer murah, tp rse die ttp sdp n kenyag tau....n yg pasti, krg pasti berpuas ati.....fuh....terliur lh tgk gmbo kt bwh nih....rse cm nk pekene lg jek....:D

klu krg nk try, bole jek dtg kt sinih......lokasi restoren nih kt HUTAN BANDAR (berhadapan dgn sekolah SSI n SAB)...klu yg duk JB, myb tau kot kt ner tmpt nih.....1 lg, kt sinih, sume pelayan restoren nyer pki bju kaler itam n ad tulisan kt blkng bju-"CREW IS NOT CROOK".....

bg spe2 yg nk mkn mknn slain western, kt sinih pn ad gk mknn goreng2, so jgn lh risau klu xnk mkn western k....:). gmbo kt bwh nih lk suasana kt restoren tuh dri tepi....rmi org tau, tepakse menyelit2 n berebut klu dh xde tmpt tuh....ap2 pn, slmt mencube.....:)

p/s: mkn smpi licin mlm td, hehe......

Kungfu(ip man2) VS CGI(iron man2)....which one do u prefer????hehe....u choose....but of course lah kan, org akn pilih CGI, sbb skng movies CGI sgt popular.....but as for me...after i've watched these 2 movies, i would suggest u to watch ip man if you have to choose. hehehehhe.
IP MAN2, i love so much about this movie....IP MAN1 still in my heart....:D...w'pun ter'eksiden' tgk cite IP MAN1 nih, tp sgt2 lh bertuah sbb cite nih mmg besh....n skng IP MAN2 dh kua n aku pn dh tgk cite nih (bukti tiket kt ats tuh, heheehh), rse cm nk tgk lg.....sume psl cite nih aku suke, background music, background cite, pelakon, ayt yg short tp simple.....tp ttp meningglkn kesan...

w'pun cite nih simple, but masyam(of kos lh tgk ngn masyam kn...)said, cite nih detail.....sume cukup rse lh.....n klu dri 5bintng...masyam bg 5/5bintng.....(sukenyer, cite kesukaan aku nhi dpt 5 bintng)....klu aku, kompem aku bg full mark....:)

terlupe lk nk cite psl IRON MAN2....ok, aku xtgk pn cite IRON MAN1, so mayb aku xpasti sgt smd ironman2 nih berkait ke x ngn ironman2, tp masyam de gk lh tlg rewind kn sket2 psl iron man1 neh....bg aku lh kn, klu nk compare antare IP MAN2 ngn IRON MAN2 neh, aku lbh prefer IP MAN2 lh, xtau lh krg kn...taste masing2 gi2...tp aku mmg tabik spring lh kt ironman2 nih sbb CGI die mmg vogue de vassss gi2.....suit ironman2 nmpk real giler....ad gk scene2 yg funny n slumber n 1 lg, aku suke btl tgk scarlet johansson(cun + sexy ah die tuh, aku bkn les eh).....

yg aku xbrp gemor lh kn....ad lh scene2 antara robert downey jr.(ironman) ngn gwyneth paltrow(pepper kot nme die) berbual2, cm bsn sket ah....i2 jek lh....yg kuat cite nih juz iron man2 nmpk cm real....tp content....bese2 jek lh....so me n masyam juz bg 4.5/5 bintng ok......

slmt ber'muvi' dr kami.......:)

p/s:nk tgk ip man2 lg lh.......kiteorng due org jek malay mse tgk cite ip man2...:)

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