smlm aku n masyam ingt nk surf tenet kt library, unfortunately wifi kt situh problem lk... kiteorng pn decide g surf tenet kt McD.....

smbil2 kiteorng surf tuh, staff kt McD tuh bg kiteorng kupon percuma.....

kupon free sausage mcmuffin wif egg n air or air wif hashbrown.....

tanx 2 McD sbb bg kupon free tuh n dpt surf tenet free lg....hehe....nnt mse otw g opis, klu sempt, aku singgh.....i like sausage mcmuffin with egg.....nyum2....sdp....:)

lme gk kiteorng lepak kt McD tuh.....dlm pkl 5 lbh kiteorng pn beransur n otw ke Danga Bay...
otw ke Danga Bay tuh, terserempak lk ngn bikers nih....srg2 jek lyn pale nek basikal kt tgh bndar nih....

aku plk ngn bangganyer snap gmbo die....opss sori yek abg bikerz.....

gmbo abg bikerz dri belakang.....

abg bikerz ternmpk aku tgh snap gmbo die.....:)

kpd abg bikerz, jgn lh mrh eh aku snap gmbo......chaiyok2 abg bikerz...MALAYSIA BOLEH.....

i2 jek lh cite yg dpt aku post kn k.....ari ahd tuh kiteorng dh xtau dh nk lpak mne, so after g Danga Bay, trus blk umh....siapkn ap yg ptt utk g kje....

Danga Bay di waktu ptg.....

ok lh krg.....have a nice day!!!!

p/s: rindu ngn masyam.....

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